Ok,easier said..I did my first dissection on an animal *gasp* ,took pics with it :P and...i FINALLY got to eat my home cooked turnips today!Woohoo! lol.
For bio lab yday,we did dissection of rat or frog..hhoho. One group suppose to do one dissection oni..but then got extra,so leonard did his own rat snipping. Jaclyn and I snipped a poor frog open and wun became our movie director :P
Dissection is actually pretty interesting! Though i dun think i would make a good surgeon..i cut that poor frog so messily that there were blood here and there.ah..
Warning : Photos might be graphic for some.
Viewers discretion is adviced. (Just HAD to include that rofl) =P =P
we were smilin so big cos we killed a frog. kiddin la!
This rat leonard dissected was pregnant!! Got 3 babies inside! wah kejam kejamm rofl.
Ok enough of gross pictures =P I hope i din spoil ur appetite..talking abt appetite,we happily ate straight after the lab k -.- So yah,done with the snip and snap part..and the yum-ing part...
I got to eat home cooked food after not eating even once since i started uni..that would be like...nearly 2 months ago. Happens today my mom wasnt working so she had time to cook..and she cook some of my fav dishes..particularly..my yummy yummy turnips and mushroom with taufu. Oh yes, if u ever think of cooking for me, give me ANY kind of taufu,tauhu,mushroom or turnips(cooked la) and i'll eat it.heh heh heh. yes i love love love them.
Yummy-licious home cooked food!
my FAV GREEN VEGE - Long beans. with egg. =p
Oh gosh thank goodness blogger has this auto-draft saving thing or i would have gone ballistic.accidentally off-ed my laptop -.- PHEW.
On an unrelated incident, i had a horrible experience with some psycho sicko guy in msn this week and not to mention some mr.loa at gym.Aihs.Whats the world getting to these days.
Java mid term next week...and calculus the week after..Hope i'll do well..but as faith says it, I already have what i need in Christ Jesus! Just hope that watever happens,His name might be glorified thru my results and i'll learn to trust Him more as well..ah i cant wait for this sem to be over..Alrite guys have a good weekend and take care..God bless :)
yeah..LOA ppl everywhere nowadays..feel like screaming at them 'losers!!'..sexual harrasment, that's wat it is..sigh..what is this world coming to....
YES jo tell me bout it -.- feel like taking some cangkul and ketuk their head with it or sth..JO!Come my uni and help me belasah these ppl ROFL
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