Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sometimes I ask myself this questions.

"Why did I make this choice."
"Why did I try so hard, work so hard, think so hard only to get dumped with this kinda crap."
"Why did I bother in the first place?"
"Is there something more to this?"

And sometimes I wanna ask those certain individuals this questions.

"What makes you think you can call me 'narrow minded' if you don't even know who I am. What if it was your child in that position,ever thought about that,woman?"

I'm just plain sick sometimes of the place I chose to be in. But I guess, im the one to blame for that. But well,nothing new isnt it? Because somehow,someway, I always seem to be making bad choices than good ones.


Matt said...

Owh...= (

Hang in there coussie. You're awesome and wonderful just the way you are. We make wrong choices sometimes, but sometimes other people make the choices seem wrong.

Don't let people degrade you, cause I still think you're one really great individual. The only probable reason other people are putting you down is cause they're jealous. xD

Hang in there.

Unknown said...

thanks always,ur words of encouragement never fails. :)