Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thoughts, Revelations, Truth.

And finally. Done am I with the torture..until it starts all over again in a few weeks time. Sigh. Still, theres 1 more quiz, 1 more assgmt and the seemingly endless lab reports. The paper today was quite..hm.how should I put it.." interesting" i guess. Not in a good way :P But gah. its in His hands now.So let things just be.

Besides the very weird+scary dream i had yday...I also had this revelation(if I may call it that) yday night as I was half awake and half dead on my bed after biochem saturation. It was like totally random and it just came to my mind..and the suprising thing is..this revelation has gotta do with biochem, the #1 on my list of most disliked subs in my course so far. You see, it just suddenly dawned on me that hey.Eventhough this subject is so so so darn unlikeable, yet thanks to it, i came to realize yet again how awesome God truly is. All those things I learn in biochem, like the Krebs cycle and all those other only-robots-can-remember facts reminded me of how amazing it is that God can create such complex systems so that our body can function perfectly. And He did it by just taking dirt from the ground,spat on it and ..wala! And this is the very same God who loves and cares for me everyday! now THATS cool man. haha. I dont really know if i can call this a revelation,but its certainly a cool reminder of how amazing is the God i serve. And even more ironically, this reminder came thru THIS subject of all things.haha. I still dislike the subject.obviously. But it was cool in a way that it helped opened my eyes to see something from a perspective ive never really seen before. =) Talking of which...I came across somethg in my bible the other day in a devotional section. Some people say that God doesnt exist. Science said we came from our ancestors,our ancestors came from apes,which came from something,somethg which came from amoebas, amoebas that came from the Big bang. Some find it hard to believe that there is such a thing as an infinite God who has no beginning and no end. But if everything originated from the Big bang,then what did the big bang originated from? and as long as u keep on asking, it will just go on and on and on without an answer. But the answer is that, there has to be someone that started it all.Someone that didnt come from something or someone else but was already there in the very beginning. In fact, that someone IS the one who created beginnings.
I read before somewhere, "Science has facts. but God is truth. Facts changes, the truth always prevails" =)
And I as a science student, especially after all those things i read in biochem, it would just be absurd to think that a so-called random explosion started it all. A random explosion doesnt and cannot create the complexity of our own human body,whats more the complexity of the whole universe. But there is someone and only that someone can do it so perfectly, yet in such a simple manner. Of course, the human bodies aint perfect. Diseases,sicknesses u name it. But He did not create those things. It was a result of sin, when mankind chose to go against God. But thanks to His awesome grace, there was a solution. And that solution is called Jesus, who knocks at the door of your hearts today. Whether He will come in or not, it depends on whether you are willing to open that door :)

My suppose-to-be short post turned out to be a novel :P
Hope you've been blessed :)

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