Monday, November 5, 2007

Part II =p

While driving down the street,
looking for an address, do you turn
the radio down?

= if its too loud yeah

If you could hug one person right
now, who would it be?

= a golden person ar.aiyah nvm lah dogs will do hahaha

How much information do you ask for
before you sleep with someone?

= I should know that person well enuf to marry him first i think -.-

What is your favorite kind of

= Autumn!!

If a turtle doesn't have a shell,
is he homeless or naked?

= its vulnerable lol

If you could travel anywhere in the
world, without cost being a deciding
factor, where would you go?

= like...the whole globe?! hahahah.seriously.i'd love to.*dreams*

Are you a home body, or a social

= hahah..a balance of both =) Since starting uni though,ive been more of a home person when i come back on weekends..

Beer, wine or liquor?
= er neither.all oso duno how to drink -.-

If your partner was unable to have
sex due to illness or injury, would
you stay with them?

= stay with..THEM?? HAHA

Do you drink milk?
=yeap.only with cereals.

Do you prefer apple or orange


What's the most you've ever won on
a scratcher?

- nothing? =.=

Do you own any fish?
= Nah, I eat 'em like matt does =p

How many messages are in your
inbox/outbox on your phone?

= malas mau check.haha

When's the last time you sent a

= yday.

Do you believe there is only
one "right" religion?

= like matt said,it is an offensive question.So no comments on this =)

What's your favorite planet,
besides this one?

=How would i know.I wouldnt know how is it like there.Lol.

Do you vote for city-related

= blah.

Have you ever been to the Vatican?
= Nope.

Do you do anything for a bad

= hah?

What noises reach your ears right

= music

Have you ever been to the Grand

= i wish.haha

Have you ever had to run for your

= cant recall..dun think so lah hah

Ever been to a family reunion?
= abuthen.

Can you play golf?
=I can try =p

Do you prepare soup in the
microwave or in the stove?

= In a mug. Instant soup does wonders =p

If your lover cheated on you and
profusely apologized, would you accept
them back into your life?

= hard to tell

Do you eat crab?
= YES.which reminds me..i wanna eat crabbbbbb.someone take me for seafood XD

Are you the kinda person who will
search the entire room for the remote?

= i think so hahaha

Is it all about YOU?
= Nope.

Pretend you are a really good
cook: what meal would you make?

= Pasta? with a reeeeally delicious,mouth watering soup :P

Are you in debt?
= Someone who paid for my ransom with His life.

If you could have a plane ticket
to anywhere right now, where would you
want it to be to?

= New Zealand!!

How often do you do laundry?

= daily at home..2-3 times at uni

What do you think of Arnold

= haha!"I'll be back."

Thanks matt for the survey at friendster =p
As some of u may know,I used to do lots of this stuffs at friendster.But i shud just shift them here and consider them as tags to fill my time :P Besides,its a good way of u all getting to know me more.Rite rite? hahaha! Okay.Enough surveys..for now. =p

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