Its a list of things we're suppose to do. actually,a list of taking pictures with different stuffs/people lol.we were divided into two groups.
fuuh.ready for battle.
1st task accomplished: taking a picture with a stranger in purple poor girl must have went "what the heck?suddenly want take picture with me." HAHA.
another task was to take pics with 3 shops in which the name starts with 'y' hence the use of the directory..
Shop 1:Yoshinoya.
Another task was taking a pic of 3 books with 'the' in it.pretty simple one :P
The science of Sexy caught our attention alright.
another task..take a photo with 3 different ice cream shops.
Now look at that..RED BULL!though i dont think its really actually part of the it?
look at these 2 girls.. lol.
New Zealand Naturals. foreigners took with us sumore!Extra points haha.
and of course...Baskin Robbins!
Please Queue here.yes,please do.
Just couldnt resist the humongous teddy. :P
Anyway,after that we went for the movie.
kelvin and nally in action.
And then..while walking into the cinema i met my cute furry friend.ok actually my cute Cardboard furry friend haha! when i first saw this panda at a cinema last time, i just couldnt help LOL-ing.
Henry! hahaha!
rofl..i can still laugh looking at this panda's expression.
part of this was my lunch lol. 3 of us shared this and next time u buy BR,bring ur jusco card along.I just learned u get 10% discount ANYTIME.
happy girls janice and anne. XD
So..finally...groupie pic.
Few of them went to Look Up Point after that..but i headed home.
hopefully there'll be more outings in future =)
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